Tire Safety TIps

Don’t overload your vehicle

Overloading can increase the friction forces on your tires, which can lead to overheating and tire failure. These limits are shown in your owner's manual and on the certification plate on the edge of the driver's door. Check for proper inflation pressure at least once a month and before taking any long distance driving trips.

Avoid fast starts, stops and turns

They can cause excessive and uneven wear and tear on your tires. Built-in tread indicators (or “wear bars”) – which look like narrow strips of smooth rubber across the tread will appear on the tire when it’s worn out and needs to be replaced.

Don’t use tire under inflation to achieve better traction on snow or ice

It doesn’t work and could damage your tires. Also remember to check your air pressure more in cold weather, an outside temperature drop of 10° can reduce the air pressure inside your tires by 1 or 2 pounds per square inch.

Don’t spin your wheels excessively when stuck in snow or mud

Instead rock the vehicle gently by alternating between the drive and reverse gear settings. Rapidly spinning tires can reach their failing point in three to five seconds.
Avoid driving over potholes, curbs and bumps

They can result in tire damage or misalignment. Misalignments and imbalances can be a source of uneven tire wear and may also affect the comfort of your vehicle’s ride. Have your wheel alignment and balance checked regularly.